Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Radio commercials

Well, I've just had the last class of the semester with my C4 class.

I still feel like the class is a bit unwieldly topping out at 19 mixed-ability language learners. I do feel like the rapport has improved and I'm not as intimidated by them as I felt last semester.

I think I'll start off the next semester with a survey and will try to change the nature of the class based on some of their feelings.

So, we just finished a "short" unit on audio commercials.

Next time:
It would be great if everyone had headphones and a primer on how to use Audacity to record.

It would also be a good idea to organized the order of the recordings if a "single" recording studio is used. The students should know that some of them would have to record out of class time if necessary.

This unit should have stretched about four classes looking at improving speaking skills like intonation and pronunciation.

We had a good time with tongue twisters and expressive practice, but the Ss we still a little apprehensive to "act" in front of their peers. I on the other hand am quite comfortable with goofing off with them.

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