Saturday, October 07, 2006

EV Online 2007

I was recently honored with an invitation to join the Electronic Village Online six week session on using PowerPoint in the Classroom.

At this point there are a few things I need to do to prepare for the October 8th Moderators' Training Session.
  1. read through a heap of emails to catch up on the chatter
  2. post a bio on the wiki
  3. join the YahooGroup for moderators
and there was more... but I can't remember unfortunately. I tried to save the YM conversation I had with Christine a little while ago, but they don't have that feature!

The EVO Training Wiki

1 comment:

Kent said...

having trouble loging into the wiki. keeps asking me for a password. i feel stupid, because i have the impression that others are able to log in with out a password and aren't having any problems